Art and The Vineyard Festival Volunteer - Eugene

Fourth of July weekend
Location: Alton Baker Park: 100 Day Island Road
Why Participate? 100+ juried artists showcase paintings, prints, photographs, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, wall hangings, wearable art; annual festival includes 20 plus artists with garden furniture, ceramics, gates, arbors, outdoor sculpture; artist demonstrations; Willamette Valley wineries, international food court, mainstage entertainment. Festival is a fundraiser for the Maude Kerns art center, which offers art classes, year-round exhibitions.
Benefits: Free admission to the festival, t-shirt
More Information: Art and The Vineyard



Additional Resources

Oregon Bach Festival - Eugene
Annual Oregon Bach Festival (June-July)

Eugene Film Festival - Eugene
Annual Eugene International Film Festival (November)

Solve Oregon - Oregon
Statewide organized clean up events, searchable by city, county

NEEF - Oregon
National Environmental Education Foundation searchable listing of clean-up events posted from any organization, different dates, areas